Growing up

When a person learns to stop Playing videogames (especially with Nintendo) Being a follower (get a unique persona) Wasting their time on Facebook (Facebook is boring, you no life) Acting ghetto (includes dressing ghetto and speaking ghetto) Saying words like "dude", "nigga", "noob", etc. (believe me most people I know who use these words are unsuccessful in life) Making their parents mad (learn to respect your parents) Being a fucking asshole (stop making people upset) Fantasizing about their relatives (you know you thought dirty about a relative, stop lying) Being patriotic (if you think this country is the best in the world, you probably never traveled to other countries) Eating kiddie food (ravioli,grilled cheese with American cheese,etc. ) Waking up late (the more early you show up, the more money you earn) Sharing things like clothes, shoes, cosmetics, etc. brothers/sisters (buy your own shit) Using a cheap phone (get a fucking smartphone/android) Caring about gossip (shut the fuck up and mind your own buisness) Talkin lik dis(are you retarded or something?) Dressing like a fruitcake (fucking weird) Eating fast food (you know the people who like McDonalds right?) Stop being one of the "popular" kids (most "popular" kids usually end up being losers) Being lazy (self explanatory) Getting acne breakouts (get Proactiv already) Taking a bath (only take baths when you´re with someone else) Being a pussy (get some confidence) etc.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Growing up. Some of the top words include: Dimetre, zeke, guigsy, fares, Nintendrone, and 25 more.